The production process with high-speed charging current increases the durability of the battery.
- Why is this important: Lithium-ion batteries have become essential in modern electronic devices and in the effort to transition infrastructure to renewable energy sources. Through rigorous testing, researchers have recently discovered a relatively simple technique that can significantly increase the lifespan of batteries and accelerate production, thereby reducing costs.
The production of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and many other devices is highly complex and time-consuming. Manufacturers are trying to find faster methods without compromising quality, but the nature of this process greatly complicates efforts to study the relationship between different production methods and performance.

According to a recently published article, charging lithium-ion batteries with higher than normal current during initial production can increase battery life by up to 50 percent. Additionally, initial charging with high current can significantly shorten production time.
Researchers acknowledge that many factors related to production often slow down the testing of each factor. However, incorporating machine learning into research has helped them discover a simple trick to increase battery life while minimizing costs as much as posibles .
The experiment tested 186 types of batteries with the same aging cycle using 62 production strategies. Scientists discovered that deliberately sacrificing a small amount of lithium and thus recharging it allows the battery to hold more power for a longer period of time . Furthermore, fast charging takes about 20 minutes, while traditional processes take up to 10 hours. Using higher than normal temperatures during the formation process also makes the battery more durable, although for different reasons.- After prolonged charging and discharging, lithium-ion batteries gradually lose their ability to hold energy. Therefore, researchers and manufacturers have spent many years searching for ways to achieve longer battery life. This fact has led most smartphone manufacturers to integrate smart charging into their operating systems to protect the health of the battery.
- In April, another research group proposed a charging method that could double the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries. Alternative solutions to lithium-ion batteries are also being considered, partly due to the increasingly serious global lithium supply situation. Candidates include liquid metal, zinc-bromine, sodium-ion, calcium-oxygen, potassium-ion, water, and silicate rock.
Sodium-ion, in particular, holds promise, partly because it is cheaper and more abundant than lithium. A Volkswagen subsidiary based in China introduced the first sodium-ion-powered EV last year. Meanwhile, Natron Energy, a US company, recently announced plans to build a giant sodium-ion battery production plant in North Carolina.