The Arduino JoyStick Shield is designed to be used with Arduino as a professional controller. The shield supports 1 Joystick and 6 flexible control buttons, and also has sockets for additional modules such as NRF24L01+, LCD Nokia5110, Bluetooth HC-06, and I2C communication output.
Pin connection diagram:
RF transceiver module nRF24L01+: IRQ-D8 CE-D9 CSN-D10 MOSI-D11 MISO-D12 CLK-13
Bluetooth module HC-06: RXD-D1 TXD-D0
Button: A~D2 B~D3 C~D4 D~D5 E~D6 F~D7 X~A0 Y~A1 Key_Joystick~D8
Nokia 5110 display: 3V3 GND D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 3V3
The Arduino Joystick shield has 7 buttons:
– 4 large control buttons
– 2 small control buttons
– And a 2-axis Joystick.